Animal Care & Management

Animal Care & Management

Course list

  • Animal Management - Level 3 - City & Guilds Diploma

Course Levels



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Animal Management – Level 3 – City & Guilds Diploma website

Animal Management – Level 3 – City & Guilds Diploma

This advanced programme will help you learn practical skills and competencies with a broad range of animals to prepare you for work or university. Throughout the programme you will have the chance to make a variety of visits which may include Crufts, Wolf Watch UK, and The Cotswolds Wildlife Park. You will also have guest speakers throughout the year linking to your course units. The course is suited to both school leavers and mature students who have relevant experience within the industry and who have a genuine interest in animal welfare and management.

Why choose us
You will have access to a range of specialist resources, including our amazing Animal Care unit which houses over 200 animals, including mammals, reptiles, birds, fish, amphibians and invertebrates (our goats being a new addition). Students also have access to our farm where they get the opportunity to help during lambing season. If you want to be part of the next generation of animal care specialists, this is the course for you!

Holme Lacy Campus

Agriculture, Crops and Livestock Animal Care and Management Equine Care and Management Forestry and Arboriculture


Herefordshire, Ludlow and North Shropshire College


01432 870 000




Herefordshire & Ludlow College,
Holme Lacy,
HR2 6LL.

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