Agriculture Crops & Livestock
Course list
- Land-based and Farm Skills Level 1
Course Levels
1Land-based and Farm Skills Level 1
This is a Level 1 course for those who are interested in working in the countryside or outdoors. You will take part in lots of hands-on sessions and will also improve your literacy and numeracy skills. This will prepare you for progressing onto higher level courses or into work.
Typical topics include: Safe and Effective Practices in the Land-based Industries; Developing Performance in the Land-based Industries; Industry Experience in the Land-based Industries; Identification of Plants; Contributing to the Construction and Maintenance of Structures and Surfaces; Introduction to Wildlife and Conservation; Assisting With Feeding and Watering of Animals You will learn many valuable skills including: Being Organised; Developing a Personal Progression; Working with Others; Researching a Topic; Finding out about the land based sector; Caring for and Feeding Animals; Growing Plants.
Brooksby Campus
01664 855444
Melton Mowbray LE14 2LJ,